Если ваша работа связана с числами, то без хорошего калькулятора не обойтись. Причем, калькулятор вовсе не обязательно должен лежать возле клавиатуры — производить расчеты при помощи программы-калькулятора гораздо удобнее. Deskcalc существенно расширяет возможности стандартной утилиты, встроенной в Windows. Программа имеет встроенный интерпретатор формул, возможность подсчета величины налогов, конвертер валют, средства для быстрого исправления значений. Также стоит отметить экспорт в Excel, быстрое копирование результата в буфер обмена, печать расчетов вместе с заголовком и текущей датой. Программа имеет настраиваемый интерфейс с возможностью изменять размер экрана. Кроме этого, ввод значений можно осуществлять, не прибегая к клавишам на дополнительной клавиатуре.

Deskcalc is a full-featured adding machine with the functions you expect from a mechanical adding machine plus capabilities associated with a Windows environment. Features include a check-strip with comfortable text input per position, correction possibilities (rectifying, adding and deleting values), built-in formula interpreter, sales tax functions, cache (memory function), percentage calculation, currency-conversion, floating point- and fixed point-calculation, subdivision into thousands, fast correction key, display of the results in task strip and window title line, printing with heading and date/time, Excel-export.
Deskcalc is a full-featured memory calculator and tape adding machine for Windows. All of your numbers and calculations are displayed on the screen, in traditional calculator tape format, or as a simple spreadsheet. It's easy to modify any numbers or operations in the spreadsheet, and immediately see the new results. Advanced users can export their calculations to Excel or to any other spreadsheet, for additional analysis.
Unlike the calculator that comes bundled with Windows, Deskcalc lets you resize the calculator, input complex expressions, convert between currencies, calculate sales tax or VAT with a single button, perform both floating point and fixed point calculations, and copy the results to the Windows clipboard. It's simple to load, save, print, modify, or export the calculator tape. Instead of stapling a curly printed tape to your accounting or tax records, you can print all of your calculations with page titles and date/time stamps, or save your calculations in spreadsheet format. These powerful features will lower your frustration level when reconciling financial records. In addition, you will save money by providing financial information to your accountant or tax preparer in an easy-to-use format.
Unlike mechanical or electronic calculators, Deskcalc doesn't waste your physical desk space, use up expensive rolls of tape, require batteries or power supplies, or get lost underneath a pile of paper.
Whether you're a business person who has outgrown the entry-level calculator that comes bundled with Windows, a student who needs an intuitive way to perform complex calculations, or a home user who wants to save time when preparing budgets or tax returns, Deskcalc has the tools that you need.
-- Adding machine input logic
-- Expression calculator input logic
-- Load/Save Tape
-- Tape
-- Print Tape
-- Sizeable calculator display
-- Currency converter
-- Tax button
-- Excel export
-- Modify tape values like in Excel
-- Copy result to clipboard
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