WinPatrol позволяет контролировать установку злонамеренных программ на вашем компьютере. Программа контролирует важные системные области (область загрузки, системные папки, реестр), которые обычно изменяются злонамеренными программами. С помощью программы вы можете остановить процесс и отключить/разрешить starup программы. Программа также позволят контролировать куки, удалять, их основываясь на ключевом слове. WinPatrol отслеживает и уничтожает в операционной системе различные шпионские модули и вредоносные программы типа Adware и Spyware, находит и обезвреживает некоторые типы вирусов-троянов, саморазмножающиеся вирусы и программы, представляющие угрозу для конфиденциальности компьютерной информации. WinPatrol следит за изменениями, происходящими в браузере и не допускает установки в него различных баров и шпионских модулей. Конечно, эта программа не защитит ваш компьютер полностью от различных напастей, но послужит хорошим дополнением к надёжному антивирусу и файрволлу.

WinPatrol uses a heuristic approach to detecting attacks and violations of your computing environment. Traditional security programs scan your hard drive searching for previously identified threats. WinPatrol takes snapshot of your critical system resources and alerts you to any changes that may occur without your knowledge. You'll be removing dangerous new programs while others download new reference files.
Here are some key features of "WinPatrol":
• Increase Your Speed & System Performance
• Detect & Neutralize Spyware. Detect & Neutralize ADware
• Detect & Neutralize Viral infections. Detect & Neutralize Unwanted IE Add-Ons
• Detect & Restore File Type Changes Automatically Filter Unwanted Cookies
• Avoid Start Page Hijacking. Detect HOSTS file changes
• Kill Multiple Tasks that replicate each other, in a single step
• Stop programs that repeatedly add themselves to your Startup List
• Delete and Remove the most Stubborn Infections
• Enhanced Keylogger Detection
The use of keyloggers for illegal purposes has exploded. A Schenectady man was recently jailed for up to three years for felony eavesdropping after putting a keylogger on his wife's computer. I've heard too many stories of abuse made possible due to keyloggers so it's time for it to stop. While WinPatrol PLUS had always detected keyloggers we've enhanced this feature and it's now available to free users so everyone is protected.
• Interactive PLUS code Activation
Unfortunately the number of users depending on illegal PLUS codes has become a problem. While honored by the worldwide popularity of WinPatrol this could slow down access to PLUS information by our paid supporters. Our new version will do more to screen out invalid codes. In a few cases, users may find their valid codes are no longer working correctly. Those affected can write to support @ and we'll make sure they receive the correct code.
• Optimized Detection of New Services
As more and more programs move to the Windows Service model it become apparent that this may be a popular avenue of attack in the future. The routine used to monitor and detect new Window Services has been optimized to make this process transparent.
• Decrease CPU Usage and Conflicts
Conflicts with some other registry intense programs may have resulted in abnormally high CPU usage on past versions. WinPatrol 14 includes some intelligent routines to allow complete protection without fighting over resources with other security suites and system level programs.
• Default -expressboot option
WinPatrol now includes a -expressboot option which will be used when machines boot up for the first time. This new feature optimizes boot time and allows other applications to maximize their initialization routines.
• Regular Registry Cleanup
Some registry cleaners have complained that we don't clean up some data stored in the registry quickly enough. This version will remove information that is no longer needed and "First Detected" information on a regular basic when the file no longer exists.
• Multiple copies of WinPatrol in startup
Occasionally, users have written to let us know they have multiple copies of Scotty in the list of Startup programs. This version can correct any errors by checking the "Automatically run WinPatrol" box under the Options tab.
What's New?
2008-01-27 (14.0.2007.1)
- Fixed bug in caused by compiler optimization error.
- On some systems the alert of new startup programs may be delayed.
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