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EVEREST Ultimate Engineer Edition v5.30.2027 Beta Multilingual Portable
13 февраля 2010 02:51 | Разместил: softpir | Просмотры: 172 | |

EVEREST Ultimate Engineer Edition v5.30.2027 Beta Multilingual Portable

Everest Ultimate Engineer Edition — портабельная версия программы для анализа Hardware- и Software-компонентов. Программа быстро выдает сведения о системе, которые по-другому невероятно сложно получить. В их числе: информация о процессоре, Motherboard, BIOS, сетевых настройках, графика, DirectX, операционная система, используемые драйвера, установленные Audio- und Videocodecs, подключенные устройства, запущенныех процессы, пользователи, Autostartprogramm, видеокарта, драйверы, монитор, подробности о чипсете, информация о жестких и оптических дисках, сетевые адаптеры, информация об операционной системе, ключ продукта, список системных сервисов. Кроме этого программа позволяет сохранять отчеты в HTML и TXT форматах и имеет многоязычный интерфейс.

EVEREST Ultimate Edition — предназначена для диагностики, тестирования и настройки на оптимальную работу аппаратных и программных средств компьютера. EVEREST Ultimate Edition cчитается одной из лучших среди программ в своем классе. Имеет широкие возможности по представлению максимально полной и подробной информации об аппаратном и программном обеспечении компьютера (выдает более 100 страниц информации). Содержит вспомогательные модули, мониторинговые функции, включает различные бенчмарки и тесты производительности.

EVEREST Ultimate Engineer Edition is an industry leading system diagnostics and benchmarking solution for enthusiasts PC users, based on the award-winning EVEREST Technology. During system optimizations and tweaking it provides essential system and overclock information, advanced hardware monitoring and diagnostics capabilities to check the effects of the applied settings. CPU, FPU and memory benchmarks are available to measure the actual system performance and compare it to previous states or other systems. Furthermore, complete software, operating system and security information makes EVEREST Ultimate Edition a comprehensive system diagnostics tool that offers a total of 100 pages of information about your PC.

Hardware Information
Motherboard & CPU
Accurate low-level information about motherboard, CPU and BIOS, including chipset details, DMI enumeration, AGP configuration information, SPD memory modules list, DRAM timing information and CPU instruction set support.
Video adapter & monitor
Detailed information about the video adapter, video drivers and monitor, including DDC information, monitor serial number and supported video modes detection, low-level GPU details, OpenGL and Direct3D features list.
Storage devices
Information about all hard disk and optical disk drives, including IDE autodetection, S.M.A.R.T. disk health monitoring, ASPI SCSI devices list and partitions information.
Network adapters, multimedia, input devices
Exhaustive information about network adapters, sound cards, keyboard, mouse and game controllers, including NIC MAC address detection, IP and DNS list, network traffic monitoring, DirectSound, DirectMusic and DirectInput information.
Misc hardware
Information about PCI, PnP, PCMCIA and USB devices, communication ports, power management information, device resources list, printers information.

Software Information
Operating system
Detailed Windows information, including operating system installation date and product key, system services and system drivers list, process information, environment variables list, system folders list, system files and Event Logs content, AX and DLL files list, UpTime information.
Server and display
Information about network shares, users and groups list, logged on users list, account security settings, opened files list, fonts list and Windows desktop configuration details.
Large amount of information about networking status, remote access and mailing accounts, network resources and Internet settings. List of network routes, Internet Explorer cookies and history of visited web pages.
Installed software
Detailed information about installed programs, scheduled tasks and startup programs.

Windows Security
Operating system security information including DEP (Data Execution Prevention) status, list of installed security patches and system restore status.
Security applications
Firewall, anti-spyware and anti-trojan software list. Anti-virus software information including virus database details.

System Stability Test
Ability to stress system memory, CPU, FPU and local disks simultaneously in real time through a completely visual interface. System thermal solution check through constant temperature, CPU load and CPU thermal throttle monitoring.
EVEREST CPUID panel to provide a compact overview on CPU, motherboard, RAM and chipset. Invaluable information on overclocked systems, dynamic refresh to support Enhanced Intel SpeedStep and AMD Cool'n'Quiet technologies.
Hardware monitoring
Sensor information including system, CPU and GPU temperature, fan status, CPU, GPU, AGP and DRAM voltage monitoring, S.M.A.R.T. disk health status. Support for Corsair Xpert memory modules.
Sensor icons
Sensor icons feature to display actual system temperature and voltage values on the System Tray.
CPU and FPU benchmarks
State of the art multi-threaded benchmark methods to measure performance of both old and brand new processors. References list to compare actual performance with other systems.
Memory benchmarking
Memory read and write speed, memory latency measurement to stress the memory and cache subsystem, including references list to compare actual performance with other systems.
Disk Benchmark module
Disk Benchmark module to measure performance of hard disk drives, optical disk drives (CD/DVD/Blu-Ray) and USB flash drives. Graphical overview of disk performance measured on different areas of the disk surface.
Tips & suggestions
Detection of possible hardware and software misconfiguration and compatibility issues.

Report Wizard
Easy-to-use method to produce report files of the system, by either using pre-configured report profiles or custom selection of information.
Report formats
Three different report file formats: plain text, customizable HTML and the unique MHTML format. MHTML reports including icons are ideal for printing purposes.
Report e-mailing and printing
Built-in e-mail transfer client using SMTP, also support for MAPI and Outlook protocols. Instant report display and one-click printing capabilities using IE4+ technology.

Homepage: www.lavalys.com
Language: Multilang / Русский
Size: 11,5 Mb


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