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Digital -Tutors Character Enveloping in XSI

Digital -Tutors Character Enveloping in XSI

Character Animation Setup in XSI Bundle (e-download)
An introductory guide to Character Rigging and Enveloping

List price: $59.98, 6% off


Software: XSI 2 - XSI 5 (version 5 required for project files)
Run Time: 3 hrs. 13 min.
Availability: Instant download
File Size: 640 MB

Broadband connection required.

Digital -Tutors Character Enveloping in XSI

Character Animation Setup in XSI Bundle offers artists the popular "Character Rigging in XSI" and "Character Enveloping in XSI" in one complete package with over 3 hours of project-based training for Rigging and Enveloping. Perfect for new and beginning artists using XSI as part of their workflow.

Popular highlights include:

* Skeleton Basics
* Skeletal Hierarchies
* Constraints
* Building Custom Controls
* Reverse Foot Controls
* Linked Keys
* Building Spine Controls
* Local Rotations
* Hand Controls
* Effectors
* Flexible Spines
* Parenting
* Creating the Envelope
* Setting up a Character Stance
* Painting Deformation Weights
* Smoothing Weights
* Weight Editor
* Symmetry Mapping
* Mirroring Weights
* Link with Deform

"Character Rigging in XSI" provides several lessons designed to increase your productivity with time-saving tips and fun, hands-on projects. Highlights from popular topics include: skeleton basics, skeletal hierarchies, using constraints, building custom controls, reverse foot controls, using linked keys, building spine controls, local rotations, hand controls, effectors, flexible spines, parenting, and several additional lessons designed to give you a firm understanding of Character Rigging in XSI.

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction and project overview 1:28
2. Creating skeleton chains 4:46
3. Parenting hierarchy for the leg 9:44
4. Using the Rename script to rename duplicated chains 5:08
5. Creating the chains for the arms and fingers 7:38
6. Parenting hierarchy for the hand 5:48
7. Using constraints to create shoulder shrug 7:36
8. Getting started with custom parameters and the Parameter Connection Editor 8:32
9. Creating custom finger controls 6:47
10. Duplicating arm with controls to the opposite half of the body 4:04
11. Building hip and chest control objects 8:20
12. Creating a flexible spine 4:08
13. Preparing foot for reverse foot controls 7:54
14. Building reverse foot controls (part 1) 5:50
15. Building reverse foot controls ( part 2) 9:37
16. Finalizing reverse foot controls and mirroring controls to the opposite half of the body 11:21
17. Adding final controls and final parental hierarchy 6:41
18. Tips / Tricks: Creating a collision floor for the feet 4:49
19. Tips / Tricks: Using Linked Keys in older versions of XSI 4:01

"Character Enveloping in XSI" provides several lessons designed to increase your productivity with time-saving tips and fun hands-on projects. Highlights from "Character Enveloping in XSI" include: creating the envelope, setting up a character stance, painting deformation weights, smoothing weights, using the Weight Editor, Symmetry Mapping, mirroring weights, Link with Deform, parenting, Linked Keys, and several additional lessons designed to give you a firm understanding of Character Enveloping in XSI.

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction and project overview 1:23
2. Creating your Envelope 8:43
3. Setting up a Default Stance 6:13
4. Weighting the points on the leg 4:41
5. Painting weights on the hips 10:33
6. Painting weights on the shoulder 8:31
7. Using the Weight Editor to weight the hand 12:21
8. Creating a Symmetry Map and Mirroring Weights 4:59
9. Using Link With Deform to fix areas of pinching 7:59
10. Alternative enveloping techniques 4:20

Item #: XSE-018-ED
Software Requirement: XSI 2 - XSI 5 (version 5 required for project files)
System Requirement: WinZip (to unzip the archive)
Run Time: 3 hrs. 13 min.
Format: E-Download
Platform: Mac / PC
Availability: Instant download
File Size: 640 MB
Weight: 0.30 lbs
Digital -Tutors Animating Walk Cycles in XSI
Digital -Tutors Character Rigging in XSI
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